SoCalGas North-South Pipeline
Environmental Permitting for 65-Mile Alignment
To increase the reliability of natural gas supplies to Southern California, SoCalGas proposed a 65-mile long alignment from the City of Adelanto and to the Moreno Valley. The environmental permitting process included the input and/or review by multiple local, state, and federal agencies led by the California Public Utilities Commission and the US Forest Service.
The size of the project and complexity of the geographic regions traversed by the alignment required extensive biological, regulatory, GIS, hydrology, and land-use support services by Psomas team members.
- Vegetation and Jurisdictional Delineation Mapping
- Special Status Plant/Wildlife, Invasive Species, and Tree Surveys
- Hydrology/Water Quality Report
- Land Use and Cultural Resources Technical Reports
- Preparation/Review of Technical Studies for the PEA
- Coordination with CPUC and National Forest
- Regulatory Permit Applications/Documentation
- Alternatives Analysis
Southern California