Pima County Historic Courthouse
Using Technology for Safer, More Efficient Data Collection
The old Pima County Courthouse has a rich past: archaeologically, architecturally, and historically. It was important to preserve the history as much as possible and avoid archaeologically sensitive areas. Having detailed and accurate information about the site was critical to achieving their desired outcome.
Psomas prepared a topographic survey and utility location surveys (“Blue Stakes”) for the design of a private sidewalk, trash enclosure, and driving lane reconfiguration. Time was of the essence when it was determined that utilities would need to be relocated and several other construction projects were already underway.
- 3-D Laser Scan
- UAV “Drone” Aerial Photography
- Topographic, Cartographic, Cultural, and Utility Mapping
- Utility Pothole Locates
- Title Report Review
- Right-of-way, Property Line, and Easement Location
Pima County
Tucson, AZ