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Build LA Appointment System

Designing a Coordinated Customer-Centric Business Model for City of Los Angeles

Psomas provides staff augmentation and project management services for the implementation of the BuildLA program which is creating an efficient, transparent, and predictable development application review process in the City. BuildLA includes many different agencies within the City, including LADBS, Planning, BOE, Housing, LADOT, Sanitation, StreetsLA, and LAFD to name a few. The goal for the BuildLA initiative is to deliver a coordinated customer-centric business model focused on service delivery and accountability of development projects. The Psomas team is fully integrated with City staff and works closely to help the City define project goals and priorities.


  • Citywide Appointment System
  • Project Charter Refinement
  • Development Services Public Works Billing and Accounting System Improvements
  • BOE On-Line Permitting Systems Updates


City of Los Angeles


Los Angeles, CA

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