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Travis Perry

Travis Perry
Travis Perry
Project Director
Land Planning
& Urban Design

“We work on a lot of large projects so it’s fun to see big changes in the built environment. I like being able to see things I designed and how they make life better for people.”

What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Stood on Lone Peak with a 1200-foot drop behind me. I had to climb up a really narrow ridge to get there.

When you were a little kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
A fighter pilot. I had it all figured out. I was going to join the navy but I got too tall and my eyes got bad.

What would surprise people about you?
I’m a twin.

Best place to be when you aren’t working?
Outside, on a mountain preferably.

Sweets, but not chocolate. Anything made from pure sugar. I always have Jelly Bellys at my desk.

What are you passionate about?
My church, my kids, family. Being happy.

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